Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Storms :(

You may or may not know that I am unreasonably scared of storms. There's been a few occasions where I've been home alone during a storm and fallen victim to a panic attack. Not fun.

Right now I'm sitting on my bed, a little on edge, because my county is on a tornado watch until 5 FRICKIN AM. I was hoping for a good nights sleep tonight but I don't know if that one is going to happen now... Anyways, I'm prepared for a power outage. I've got 2 candles lit on my bedside table and my flash light is by my bed, like always, incase of a power outage or me being lame and scared of the dark.

I was just looking at the radar and this storm looks pretty dicey. I can see mostly green (just rain) but there are a few red (severe thunderstorms) spots which are making me super nervous since they haven't past yet.
I think I've been more scared about storms since all of the tornados in the south eastern states and the recent one in Missouri. I'm sure we won't have a tornado though because in my 15 years of life here we've never actually had a tornado touch down.
I guess that's all I have to say...


Pictured: Tornado in Alabama, 2011. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Meet Elizabeth Durham!

For Current Events class we had to interview a Linworth student, I got to interview Elizabeth Durham. So here it goes!

Q: What made you decide to want to come to Linworth?
A: I was really interested in the experimental learning. I also really liked how the school was set up less structured because I didn't like how structured middle school was.

Q:What do you think has changed most about you since you came to Linworth?
A: You might not be able to tell, but I'm actually less shy than I was before I came here. I really used to not talk to anyone but now I'm not afraid to talk to people.

Q: What Linworth Teacher has had the biggest influence on you?
A: Most of them, really. All the teachers have been my favorite teachers that I've had.

Q: Is there also a student who has had a big influence on you?
A: No, I can't really say that there has been.

Q: Do you have any walkabout plans? If yes, what are they?
A: I know that I definitely want to do something with photography. I also wanted to go to Toronto, but I'm not sure about that anymore.

Q: Have your past interims had any influence on your walkabout plans?
A: Yes, for my sophomore year I did an independent study in photography. And for this year, my junior year I worked at Midwest Photo Exchange.

Q: After high school do you plan on attending college?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you have any ideas on where you want to go? What do you think you will be studying?
A: I've been looking at tons of art schools but I'm not limiting myself to that. I know I want to study photography but I haven't made a final decision.

Now for some randoms!

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: I don't really have one. I could say pizza because I really like it, but it's not my favorite.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Photography. I just got my Digital SLR for Christmas last year but before that I had just been playing around with my crappy point-and-shoot.

Q: What's your favorite color? Why?
A: I've always liked blue, but I don't know why.

Q: If you only had to listen to two bands for the rest of your life, what would they be?
A: Probably The Flaming Lips and The Tragically Hip.


Bye Bye Veganism (sorry to say, you won't be missed)

I'm sad to say that I am no longer a vegan. (I am remaining a vegetarian though.) I decided to make the switch back due to my boyfriend's and mum's concerns about me not getting enough calcium. I'm also going to start eating eggs again because I need the protein.
To celebrate my non-veganness today I snacked on my three most missed dairy foods. Those include, Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips, Wisconsin mac and cheese from Noodles & Co., and a Kit Kat. I am expecting a major stomachache tonight, in fact I'm very surprised that I don't have one yet.
Anyways that's really all I have to say on the subject. If you have any questions about veganism, vegetarianism, or my switch back to eating dairy, leave a comment!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebration? I think not.

We all know that Osama bin Laden has been killed by US forces on May 2nd. Many Americans have took their knowledge to a whole new level by celebrating his death. Some students even jumped in Mirror Lake on OSU's campus. Is his death really something to celebrate? In my opinion it isn't. He's a person too. I understand that his actions have lead to thousands of peoples deaths. If I haven't gotten my point across I'll say it again, he's a person too and his death doesn't deserve to be celebrated. Death is something you should never celebrate it's a very emotional experience. More the less it is totally disrespectful to celebrate a death.
My thoughts keep going back to, "Would I want someone celebrating my death?" The answer has always been no. Where I'm going with this post is that yes, he's a bad person but he doesn't deserve this celebration.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

pointless post about peep shows ;)

I'm so excited about starting the peep show project! (check out the non current event examples below!) My group, Natalie, Mattie, Candace and I are recreating this current event with peeps, pipe cleaners, some paint and a big box! I'm pumped to see everyones peep shows. Expect loads of pictures soon!


i told topher i'd make a blog about him :3

So, Topher asked me to be his girl friend on October 20, 2010. And I said no bahahah, but then I said I was kidding. And we started datin'! We've been dating for a little over six months, pretty lengthy for a high school relationship eh? I think so. But he's really the beez kneez, even though he kinda sucks at holding doors for me, and sometimes holds me down and pretends like he's gonna spit on me, and scares the living daylights out of me at every opportunity he has. He's gotten pretty crafty at scaring me too. I still lubbz him though. He's so awesome about respecting my veganism too, he eats vegan with me and he even tries (and likes, yayyy!) the vegan food I make for him. He also doesn't eat meat around me, except for once, and he brushed his teeth afterwards. He also does small sweet things for me, like yesterday I got to school and he had this really cool little recycled newspaper journal for me. Then, when I went to his house after school he gave me a Sweeney Todd poster that he was talking about a few days earlier and how he thought about getting it for me. And then he did(:
Anyways Topher is the bestest boyfriend!


100 most influential people of 2010: Peter Vesterbacka, "Unleasher of Angry Birds"

This dude is an influence, actually his game is the real influence. And let me tell you, I don't think it's a positive one at all. Angry Birds has basically taken over the lives of a majority of teenagers. It's the top paid app on iTunes. When you type "angry" into google the suggestions all end with "birds". Hot Topic is even carrying Angry Birds tee shirts featuring the birds. One of the shirts even reads "Dear Angry Birds, I want my life back." Students are even playing this game in class. I over heard one girl ask the boy next to her if he could pass a level for her because she always gets stuck on it.

So, sorry Peter Vesterbacka you're getting a negative influence in my book.


100 most influential people of 2010: Amy Chua aka "Tiger mom"

Influential? I think yes. Is it a positive influence? It depends on your view on parenting.

Amy Chua is an american born Chinese woman. She was also raised by very strict parents. When she was growing up she was required to speak Chinese in the house at all times, if she, or her three sisters, spoke any English they were wacked with chopsticks. In the Time article "The Roar of the Tiger Mom" Amy talks about a time where she took her father to an awards assembly in which she received second prize. He told her to never disgrace him like that again.

Not going to lie, I think her book Battle Hymn of  the Tiger Mother and the way she parents is definitely a positive influence on western parenting. We could use some more tiger moms. They teach their children the importance of doing their best until its better. Amy's children were push to their abilities and the pushed farther. I think this is a major success story. Amy has something to be proud of, not that your child needs to be perfect to be proud of them, but the work that Amy has put into her children really shows. And I don't think this type of parenting is necessarily a bad thing.


Sunday, April 17, 2011


You may be wondering about the title of this post, "77/365"
Well, I'm taking a picture of myself for 365 days. I started January 31st, 2011 and I will end January 31st, 2012. Today just so happens to be the 77th day! A very exciting day at that. If you look at the picture you'll find out why!

I got my temps yesterday! Woooohoooooo! Which also means clear the roads, hahah. Just kidding. My mommy said I'm already a pretty good driver, I've got the right idea for turns and all that jazz. Anyways, there were like 1 million people at the DMV when I went. Taking the temps test didn't take long, but waiting in line to sign all the papers and get my temps took a while because there were so many people. That kind of sucked but I got over it, not like there was anything I could do about it. 
I'm excited to start driving and stuff! 


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i love vegan cooking.

Amy Fun Fact: I love cooking.
As you may or may not know, I'm a vegan. (but not one of those vegans who makes sure everyone knows about it and squeals at hearing someone talking about dead animals.)
I became a vegan about 6 months ago because I found out that I've been cursed with lactose intolerance. I became a vegetarian on October 1st 2006. I've never really fancied the slaughtering of animals so that's why I made the choice to become a vegetarian in sixth grade.
Well, enough about myself. Lets move on to the food! Yay!

So today when I got home from school I was bored and hungry. A great combination, you get to cure your boredom with looking for food. I was searching through my freezer when I came across brown rice and some frozen corn. This gave me an idea. I pulled out carrots, sugar snap peas, teriyaki sauce, cinnamon (I often add a little dash of cinnamon on stuff) and veggie grounds which is a veggie protein meatless meat. I put all the ingredients in a pan except for the rice. After about 3 minutes of cooking the mixture on high I put the rice in the microwave (thank goodness for microwaves) for 3 minutes. After it was all cooked I put one cup of the meatless meat and veggie mixture over one cup of rice.  Needless to say, it was delicious.
